Weekly City Manager Community Updates: December 12, 2022
Learn about expanded youth access to the bivalent COVID-19 booster vaccine, high natural gas prices, ways to share input on community priorities, notable Council items, and more
Each Council meeting, City Manager Ed Shikada shares community updates to inform the community on upcoming events, services and program changes and enhancements, and City Council discussions planned. This week’s updates from the December 12 Council meeting include expanded access for children to the updated bivalent COVID-19 vaccine, plus ways to schedule a COVID-19 vaccine and booster appointment to stay healthy this winter season. Learn about this past weekend’s storm response, higher than usual natural gas prices expected this winter, ways to share input through online community surveys, an upcoming holiday craft workshop at Cal Ave, and notable Council items such as Fiber to the Premises, Council Reorganization, annual Council Retreat, and more. Read the community update or watch the YouTube recording to catch up on the latest community news.
Watch Ed share this week’s updates and news from the December 12, 2022 Council meeting.
Timestamped City Council Video: City Council Meeting — December 12, 2022
*Assistant City Manager Kiely Nosé begins the City Manager Comment period by thanking the Mayor and City Council for her appointment this evening.
FDA Expands Updated Bivalent Vaccine Authorization
On December 8, the FDA amended its emergency use authorization of the Moderna and Pfizer updated bivalent vaccines for use in children down to 6 months old. As we continue to be in colder, wetter weather and are spending more time inside, it’s important to maximize children’s protection against COVID-19.
Learn more about the FDA’s Update at bit.ly/FDAauthorizesbivalent120822.
Be Safe this Season
Last week, the County issued a news announcement sharing that there were high levels of COVID-19 in wastewater, which is a strong indication that COVID-19 levels are high in the community. County Public Health continues to recommend that community members get vaccinated against COVID-19 and get the updated bivalent booster shot. Stay home and test if you feel sick and wear a mask. Visit sccfreevax.org to find a vaccine appointment or talk with your doctor.
For more coronavirus resources, visit www.cityofpaloalto.org/coronavirus.
Staff received relatively few calls during this weekend’s storm. Pre-storm preparedness is completed all year long by staff teams, particularly our Public Works staff, which helps reduce issues during storm season. This work includes a variety of inspections, maintenance and repairs, rehabilitation, and capital improvements. It also includes street sweeping, tree work, filling and deploying sandbags and much more.
Learn about how you can prepare for winter storms here.
Due to changes in market supply and demand, natural gas prices are expected to be much higher than usual this winter. The City purchases gas from the market on a monthly basis, so fluctuations in pricing can affect utilities customer bills and can change due to factors such as gas production, storage levels, as well as national and international trade and demand and other international conditions. Residents and businesses can keep utility bill costs by being energy efficient. Visit cityofpaloalto.org/efficiencytips for no- and low-cost ways to save energy and money this winter.
Read more here.
National Community Survey Open Through December 19
This critical community feedback tool helps the City Council and staff understand community perspectives on current services and programs, as well as unmet needs and priorities. Thank you to those who already shared your thoughts through the mailed survey.
2023 Council Priorities
Each year the City Council reviews its priorities for the year at its annual Retreat. An online survey is open now through January 9 to help inform the Council discussion. Visit bit.ly/2023CouncilPriorities to take the survey.
Car Free Streets-California Avenue and Ramona Street Visioning
This survey is part of the first phase of outreach with more engagement planned in early 2023. Go to www.cityofpaloalto.org/carfreestreets.
Gas Safety Awareness Telephone Surveys
The City’s Utilities Department began conducting a phone survey about gas safety. Those living near a gas pipeline will be randomly selected to receive a phone call with questions on this topic.
Find these community surveys and more at www.cityofpaloalto.org/engage.
Join us for an afternoon of fun with family and friends on California Avenue by crafting your own ornament or decoration. Enjoy free hot cocoa, winter treats, and holiday music! Stop by anytime between 1–3 p.m. on Saturday, December 17. In addition, when you visit California Avenue, you will see added festive decorations in vacant windows completed by a local artist and teens with the Teen Arts Council.
Find upcoming events on the City’s web calendar here.
December 19
- Fiber to the Premises Next Steps
- Council Procedures and Protocols Handbook
January and beyond
No Council meeting on January 2 and January 16 in observance of holidays
- January 9: Council Reorganization Meeting
- January 23: Long Range Financial Forecast
- Saturday, January 28: City Council Retreat
- Buena Vista Mobile Home Park Study Session
Find City Council meeting agendas, minutes, and videos at cityofpaloalto.org/councilagendas.
Read the City Manager Community Updates at: CityofPaloAlto.org/CityManagerBlogSeries
Gain Coronavirus Updates at: CityofPaloAlto.org/Coronavirus
Sign Up for Open Town Hall
City Calendar of Events and Meetings: CityofPaloAlto.org/Calendar
City of Palo Alto Website: CityofPaloAlto.org
Sign Up for City Updates at: CityofPaloAlto.org/newslettersignup